Running a Stellar Speech Analytics Program

April 12, 2022
12:00 PM EST

Join us as we dive into and discuss building an effective speech analytics program. Whether you are part of a new, seasoned, or part of a rock star speech analytics team, join us to uncover these 5 very important topics. Plus, you will leave with a copy of "5 Questions to Ask When Building a Speech Analytics Team."

  1. Who should be on, and leading, a speech analytics team?
  2. What are typical day-to-day-tasks for a speech team?
  3. Where should the speech analytics team live within your organization?
  4. Why set goals for your team and what should they be?
  5. When should I ask for outside help?


Amanda Haney ThumbnailWebinar Speaker:

Amanda Haney
Amanda is the Manager of the Training & Consulting Team with over 20 years of experience within contact centers. Amanda is driven by a passion for building relationships, improving operational efficiencies, and ensuring adherence to regulatory and compliance requirements. 


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